Franklin Fair Pay Agreement Meeting

NZEI Te Riu Roa invites kaiako and kaimahi from kindergartens and their surrounding ECE centres to come together to discuss the ECE fair pay agreement, which gives us an opportunity to come together across the ECE sector to discuss and solve some of the biggest issues we face. Kindergarten Teachers understand the power of collective action and solidarity to win improvements to terms and conditions, and we are excited to be hosted in kindergartens for these meetings, which all are welcome to attend.

In this hui we will vote to endorse our Fair Pay Agreement claims and our bargaining team, and kindergarten teachers present will also discuss the secondary teachers variation for the kindergarten collective agreement and vote on whether to accept the final change to the KTCA until expiry.

It is important everyone attends these hui to build our power and the mandate of members as we go into this process – please come along and bring all your colleagues!
Starts on
Wednesday, 4 October 2023 at 4:00 PM NZDT
Ends on
Wednesday, 4 October 2023 at 5:00 PM NZDT
Mason Kindergarten
8 Mason Avenue
Pukekohe, Auckland, 2120
New Zealand
Get Directions via Google Maps
