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Support a Fair Pay Agreement for ECE

This campaign has ended.

NZEI Te Riu Roa is gathering signatures from people who work in ECE who support initiating the process of getting a Fair Pay Agreement.

Sign on below to show your support for a Fair Pay Agreement to secure fairer standards of employment across the ECE sector.

We need as many educators working in the ECE space as possible to sign on and show their support for a Fair Pay Agreement in the sector. Sign up and be a part of bringing about mandatory minimum conditions in ECE across the motu.

Check out the FPA FAQs here -->

Why is this important?

The Fair Pay Agreement legislation means minimum pay standards can be negotiated and agreed for a whole sector or industry. We will be using it to legally embed pay parity and better working conditions for ECE kaiako, and to seek a living wage for all other ECE staff.

In bargaining, we will raise issues important to the ECE sector. We’ll take a lead from the sector on this, but this is likely to mean taking a stand on pay parity, non-contact time, ratios, professional development, and health and safety. This is our shot to get them all fixed.
New Zealand

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2023-05-15 09:01:54 +1200

Petition is successful with 6,355 signatures

2023-03-17 21:01:19 +1300

5,000 signatures reached

2022-11-05 05:31:06 +1300

1,000 signatures reached

2022-10-31 22:07:03 +1300

500 signatures reached

2022-10-31 17:28:40 +1300

100 signatures reached

2022-10-31 17:13:02 +1300

50 signatures reached

2022-10-31 17:07:48 +1300

25 signatures reached

2022-10-31 17:04:30 +1300

10 signatures reached