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To: The New Zealand Government

Support investing in essential school staff

Support investing in essential school staff – sign the open letter to Government 

NZEI Te Riu Roa are calling on the Government to improve our education system by committing to investing in essential school staff. Sign your name to add your voice to the below open letter.

An open letter to the New Zealand Government: Invest in essential school staff 

Many people work in schools and kura to support the education of tamariki. Alongside teachers and principals, other staff play a critical role in any school's success.   

You may know these staff in their roles as your child’s teacher aide or learning assistant, other friendly faces at the school reception, kaiārahi i te reo, therapists, school librarians or science technicians.  

The work they do weaves many threads together to directly support ākonga in the classroom, provide te reo expertise, manage school offices and administration, organise team sports, support students’ literacy and much much more.    

But, because of the way schools are funded, these essential workers have poor job security, and their work goes undervalued. 

With your support we can change this.  

Support staff and kaiārahi i te reo are negotiating their collective agreements and are asking for terms and conditions that better reflect their essential contribution to teaching and learning.  

We call on you to commit to improving our education system by investing in these essential staff during their collective agreement negotiations. 

Why is this important?

By signing your name to the open letter, you are showing support for these workers as an essential resource for ākonga and schools, and for a quality public education in Aotearoa, New Zealand. 


2024-10-03 02:44:31 +1300

500 signatures reached

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100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached