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To: Hon Jan Tinetti

Whakamana kaiako, whakamana tumuaki

Teachers and principals are at the centre of our communities, developing our tamariki and ensuring their futures are bright.

But as you will know, there are increasingly complex work demands facing our educators. Our schools are understaffed and teachers and principals over-stretched.

Teachers and principals have proposed solutions in their negotiations with the Ministry of Education that will better support them to deliver the education our tamariki deserve. But they feel the offers that have been made don’t do enough for teachers, principals or tamariki. That’s why educators are standing together, so they can do what they love and best serve our communities.

I ask the Government to get behind our teachers and principals, respect the complex and important work they do and address their long-standing issues.

Why is this important?

Teachers play a vital role in our schools and the conditions for teachers are the conditions for our children’s learning.

Industrial action is a last resort. However, teachers are being driven from the profession or working in circumstances that mean they cannot deliver the high-quality education to our tamariki they would like to.

What are the key issues?
-Improved support for tamariki 
-More staff to support learning 
-Better recognition for the work primary teachers and principals do 
-Pay rates that will attract and retain teachers

Thanks for showing your support

By signing this message to Minister for Education Jan Tinetti, and local MPs around the country, you are showing your support for the teaching profession, and for the best possible learning environment for our tamariki. Thank you for your support.




2023-03-13 17:29:29 +1300

1,000 signatures reached

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100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached